Learn 10 Polish Conversations – for Beginners

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Hi there,

Want to learn Polish conversation?

On this page, you will get 10 Polish lesson dialogues. Some short. Some a bit longer. But, all should be simple enough. And if you’re honest-to-god interested in learning Polish, you should grow to understand them. Let’s go.

Learn 10 Polish Conversations – for Beginners

polish conversation

By the way, since you’re learning Polish…

…you will want Polish conversation audio. So, here’s a free lesson. Just press play. The lesson was provided by PolishPod101.com, a Polish learning website with audio/video lessons and courses for you.

  1. Saying Hellos

This is a very simple Polish conversation. You get to learn basic greetings and responses.

  • Person 1: Cześć
    • Hi
  • Person 2: Cześć!
    • Hi
  • Person 1: Jak się masz?
    • How are you?
  • Person 2: Dobrze. A ty?
    • I’m fine and you?
  • Person 1: Świetnie!
    • I’m great

2. Introducing

Next are introductions. Do you know how to introduce yourself? This quick Polish conversation dialogue shows you how.

  • Person 1: Jak masz na imię?
    • Person 1: What’s your name?
  • Person 2: Jestem Gosia. A ty?
    • Person 2: I’m Gosia. And you?
  • Person 1: Jestem Alex.
    • Person 1: I’m Alex.
  • Person 2: Miło mi.
    • Person 2: Nice to meet you.

3. Origins

You should be able to talk about your origins in Polish. Here, you get the Polish conversational phrases to do so.

  • Person 1: Skąd jesteś?
    • Where are you from?
  • Person 2: Jestem z Australii. A ty?
    • I’m from Australia. And you?
  • Person 1: Jestem z Polski.
    • I’m from Poland.

4. What’s this?

Asking “what is this?” is a very basic but important thing to know. Definitely a commonly used Polish conversational phrase.

  • Person 1: Co to jest?
    • What is this?
  • Person 2: To jest mój odtwarzacz mp3.
    • This is my MP3 player.

5. Phone numbers

What’s your phone number? This Polish dialogue for beginners shows you how to ask for it.

  • Person 1: Jaki masz numer telefonu?
    • What’s your phone number?
  • Person 2: 602-688-913
  • Person 1: Dzięki.
    • Thanks.

6. Time in Polish

Now, let’s ask for some time.

  • Person 1: Która jest godzina?
    • What time is it?
  • Person 2: 12:20
  • Person 1: O nie!
    • Oh no!
  • Person 2: Co się stało?
    • What happened?

7. Birthday

  • Person 1: Kiedy masz urodziny?
    • When is your birthday?
  • Person 2: 18 marca.
    • March 18th
  • Person 1: To już niedługo.
    • It’s soon.

8. Buying Bus Ticket

  • Person 1: Dzień dobry.  Ile kosztuje bilet autobusowy?
    • Good morning. How much is the bus ticket?
  • Person 2: 4 złote
    • Four zloty.
  • Person 1:  Poproszę.
    • I’ll take it.

9. Do you like?

What do you like? What don’t you like? This basic Polish conversation teaches you to talk about just that.

  • Person 1: Lubisz kemping?
    • Do you like camping?
  • Person 2: Nie lubię. Dlaczego pytasz?
    • I don’t like it. Why do you ask?
  • Person 1: Niedługo weekend majowy.
    • It’s the May weekend soon.

10. Polish Weather

The weather is a common conversation topic, is it not? So, it’s only fair to learn some Polish conversation about it! Take a look.

  • Person 1: Czy polska zima jest ciepła?
    • Is winter in Poland warm?
  • Person 2: Nie. Jest zimna.
    • No. It’s cold.
  • Person 1: A jaka jest jesień?
    • And what is autumn like?
  • Person 2: Jesień jest deszczowa i wietrzna
    • Autumn is rainy and windy.

Now, you know a whole bunch of Polish dialogues for. What else can you do?

For Extra Polish Conversation Practice…

1. Review this page as much as possible. In fact, you should print it out because I know you won’t visit my site again and again. But, you will look at a paper again and again, if you have it. Also, because learning things takes more than one time. No-one learns on their first try.

2. Read out loud. By reading out loud, you’re practicing speaking skills.

3. Speed up your reading. Why? If you can read fast, you can talk fast, or at a native pace. If you can talk at a native pace, you appear as a confident, fluent speaker.

4. Polish conversation PDF. If you want to “keep” these Polish dialogues, then save the PDF version of this lesson. Click the link or the image below.

Click here to get it 

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P.S. I highly recommend this for Polish learners. If you REALLY want to learn to Polish with effective lessons by real teachers…

Click here to get Free Audio & Video lessons at PolishPod101

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