Learn Polish: 12 Wonderful Ways to Ask Marry Me In Polish

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Will you marry me in Polish? You’re about to learn 12 ways to say this. This is a great lesson if you want to get married one day. So, stop everything. Set 3 minutes and…

  • Read and review this lesson
  • Print it out as physical review material (I like printing stuff)
  • Listen to the free audio lesson to practice your listening, and speaking (if you repeat out loud) and remember these better

12 Ways to Say Marry Me in Polish

 First, here’s the audio lesson for pronunciation, thanks to PolishPod101 (a Polish learning program – click here to check them out). You’ll hear the phrases in Polish with their English meanings. Listen and repeat to practice your listening, speaking and pronunciation skills. That’s it. Simple. Press the play button on the player below.


1. Will you marry me?

  • Wyjdziesz za mnie?

This is the first phrase to know. It’s obviously the most direct way to say Marry Me in Polish.

marry me in polish

2. Let’s spend the rest of our lives together.

  • Spędźmy razem resztę życia.

marry me in polish

3. I want to grow old with you.

  • Chcę się z tobą zestarzeć.

marry me in polish

4. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.

  • Nie wyobrażam sobie życia bez ciebie.

marry me in polish

5. Before I met you, I never realized how empty my life was.

  • Zanim cię poznałem, nigdy nie zdawałem sobie sprawy, z tego jakie moje życie było puste.

marry me in polish

6. I now know that you and I are truly meant to be together.

  • Teraz wiem, że ty i ja jesteśmy sobie przeznaczeni.

marry me in polish

7. I wish I could give you everything, but I hope that this ring is enough.

  • Żałuję, że nie mogę dać ci wszystkiego, czego pragniesz, ale mam nadzieje, że ten pierscionek będzie wystarczający

marry me in polish

8. Will you make me the happiest man alive?

  • Sprawisz, że stanę się najszczęśliwszym człowiekiem na świecie?

marry me in polish

9. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?

  • Zrobisz mi ten zaszczyt i zostaniesz moją żoną?

marry me in polish

10. I want to be with you forever.

  • Chcę być z tobą na zawsze.

marry me in polish

11. You are the one I’ve been waiting for my whole life.

  • Czekałem na ciebie całe życie.

marry me in polish

12. We are meant to be together.

  • Jesteśmy sobie przeznaczeni.

marry me in polish

And here you go.

Now you know 12 ways to ask will you marry me in Polish. Which one is your favorite? Be sure to leave a comment.

– PDF Jeff

P.S. I recommend this for Polish learners. If you REALLY want to learn Polish with a complete learning program – 600+ audio/video lessons by Polish teachers – Sign up for free at PolishPod101and start learning!

Click here to learn Polish at PolishPod101 – sign up for free!

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