Polish Lesson: 12 Ways to Ask How Are You in Polish

PolishPOd101 Learn PolishHi there! How do you ask How Are You in Polish?

Today you learn 12 ways to ask How Are You in Polish. The more you know – the more fluent you become. Some are NOT LITERAL translations but can be used as ways to ask “How are you?” So take this Polish lesson…

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12 Ways to ask How Are You in Polish

While you review this, also check out this free Audio Lesson (thanks to PolishPod101 – visit them for more lessons) that teaches you a few greetings and parting greetings in Polish. Just press the play button on the black player below.

  • Lesson #1 – Saying Hello No Matter the Time of Day in Polish

1. How are you in Polish

  • Jak się masz?
  • Pronounced: Yak shie mash

Learn Polish Language - How are you in Polish

This is  the most popular way in Polish to ask How are you in Polish. It’s an informal phrase, so you can’t use these words at work, but if you see your friend (also boyfriend or girlfriend) – it’s the best way to ask.

2. How are you doing?  – formal

  • Jak się Pan/Pani ma?
  • Pronounced: Jak shie Pan/Pani ma

Learn Polish Language - How are you in Polish

This is a formal way of asking how are you in Polish. To make it formal – {Jak się masz} – you have to add [Pan] or [Pani], depending on gender. As a result,  Polish people ask [Jak się Pan/Pani ma]. We can also translate it like [How are you doing, Sir?], or [How are you doing, Miss?]. Pan means {Sir}, Pani – {Miss}.

If you talk to your friend you don’t have to add {Pan} or {Pani}.

 3. What’s new? How are things?

  • Co nowego
  • Pronounced: Tso novego

Learn Polish Language - How are you in Polish

{Co nowego?} is the way to ask “What’s new?” in Polish (we can also translate it like “How is your business?”). You can say this phrase with friends. To make it formal – like, if you talk to your boss – you should add [Pan] or [Pani] as we discussed before, so it looks like [Co nowego u Pana/Pani?].

4. How are you doing?/What’s the news?

  • Co słychać?
  • Pronounced: Tso slichach

Learn Polish Language - How are you in Polish

This is also frequently used to as “How are you doing” in Poland. We can translate this to English as “What’s the news?” You can say it to everyone and everywhere. This phrase is also used in formal occasions – on TV and radio – it’s a good way to start  speech.

If you want to make this phrase formal, add [u Pana] or [u Pani] and get [Co słychać u Pana] or [Co słychać u Pani], if you talk to a group of people say {Co słychać u Państwa?}.

5. How do you feel?

  • Jak się czujesz? Jak zdrowie?
  • Pronounced: Yak shie chuyesz, Yak zdrovie

Learn Polish Language - How are you in Polish

This phrase is informal, but people (friends) don’t use it often. {Jak zdrowie?} means {How is your health}. If someone is ill or feels bad, you can say {Jak się czujesz?}

The formal way is [Jak się Pan czuje] or [Jak się Pani czuje] – in this way, doctor asks the patient {How do you feel}. The typical answers are: [dobrze] – good, or [źle] – bad.

 6. How’s it going in Polish

  • Jak leci?
  • Pronounced: Yak lechi

Learn Polish Language - How are you in Polish

This is very short and easy to remember. Use it only with your friends as it’s informal.

 7. What’s going on?

  • Co się dzieje?
  • Transliteration: Tso shie dzhieye

Learn Polish Language - How are you in Polish

This is exactly like [What’s going on?] in English. It’s an informal way to ask [How are you?] which young people use a lot, mostly during parties.

 8. How’s your life going?

  • Jak ci mija życie?
  • Pronounced: Yak chi miya zhychie

Learn Polish Language - How are you in Polish

Similar meaning like “How’s your life going?”. It’s not a formal way to ask, but if you meet a really close friend – it’s the best way to ask, especially if you haven’t seen them for a long time.

Slang ways to ask How are You in Polish

9. What’s up in Polish

  • Jak tam?
  • Pronounced: Yak tam

Learn Polish Language - How are you in Polish

10. You alright?

  • Co tam?
  • Pronounced: Tso tam?

Learn Polish Language - How are you in Polish

11. Howdy

  • Wszystko ok?
  • Pronounced: Vshystko ok?

Learn Polish Language - How are you in Polish

12. All alright?

  • Wszystko w porządku?
  • Pronounced: Vshystko c pogondku

Learn Polish Language - How are you in Polish

Congratulations! You know 12 ways to say HOW ARE YOU in Polish. Do you know other ways to ask this? Leave a comment below and I’ll add it to this list. I read all the comments!

By the way, here’s a review chart of all of these phrases below for your use:

Polish English
Jak się masz? How are you?
Jak się Pan/Pani ma? How are you doing? – formal
Co nowego What’s new? How are things?
Co słychać? How are you doing?/What’s the news?
Jak się czujesz? Jak zdrowie? How do you feel?
Jak leci? How’s it going in Polish
Co się dzieje? What’s going on?
Jak ci mija życie? How’s your life going?
Jak tam? What’s up?
Co tam? You alright?
Wszystko ok? Howdy
Wszystko w porządku? All alright?

– PDF Jeff

P.S. I recommend this for Polish learners. If you REALLY want to learn to Polish with a complete learning program – 600+ audio/video lessons by Polish teachers – Sign up for free at PolishPod101and start learning!

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7 years ago

Co słychać? Thank you!