Want to learn to talk in Spanish? And speak some simple Spanish conversation? Cool. Today, you will master some simple Spanish conversations that you can break down and learn new phrases from.
In this easy guide, you’ll learn to say things like:
- how to introduce yourself in Spanish
- ask what things are
- Greet & ask “how are you” in Spanish
- and much more.
1. Greetings
By the way… you should also listen and hear real Spanish – Press play below. Try this Free Lesson from SpanishPod101.com (click here to visit for more awesome lessons) for how to say hello in Spanish. It’s only 3 minutes long.
- Lesson – 3-Minute Spanish – Greetings
- Source: SpanishPod101.com Learning Program
This basic Spanish conversation, unrelated to the audio lesson above, just covers the simple “catching up” and greetings.
- 1: ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal todo?
- (Oh-lah! Kay tahl toh-doh?)
- Hi! How’s everything?
- 2: Todo bien, ¿y tú? ¿Qué hay de nuevo?
- (Toh-doh bee-en, ee too? Kay aye deh new-eh-vo?)
- All is well, how about you? What’s new?
- 1: Estoy emocionada porque este fin de semana es mi cumpleaños!
- (Eh-stoy eh-moh-see-oh-nah-dah poor-kay eh-stay feen deh seh-mah-nah ehs meecoom-play-ah-nyos!)
- I’m excited about this weekend because it’s my birthday.
- 2: ¡Feliz cumpleaños! ¡Vamos a la fiesta!
- (Feh-lee-s coom-play-ah-nyos! Vah-mohs ah la fee-est-ah!)
- Happy birthday! Let’s go to the party!
2. Introductions
If you want to learn how to introduce yourself in Spanish, you’ll want this Spanish conversation.
- 1: Hola a todos y todas, me llamo Katia.
- (Oh-lah ah toh-dohs ee toh-dahs, meh yah-moh Katia.)
- Hi everyone, my name is Katia.
- 2: Buenos días, Katia, mucho gusto.
- (Bwen-ohs dee-ahs, Katia, moo-ch-oh goo-stow)
- Good morning, Katia. Nice to meet you.
- 3: Un placer, Katia. Yo me llamo Cosmin.
- (Ew-n plah-ser, Katia. Yo meh ya-moh Cosmin.)
- A pleasure to meet you, Katia. My name is Cosmin.
- 1: Muchas gracias por la invitación.
- (Moo-ch-ahs grah-see-ahs pohr lah in-vee-tah-see-ohn.)
- Thanks very much for the invitation.
3. Ordering Food
Next up is ordering food. If you do it often in English, you’ll definitely need to do it in Spanish.
- 1. ¿Qué quieres para beber?
- (Kay key-eres pah-rah beh-bear?)
- What would you like to drink?
- 2. ¿Qué hay?
- (Kay aye?)
- What is there?
- 1. Tenemos refrescos, vino, cerveza, café o té.
- (Teh-neh-mohs reh-freh-skos, vee-noh, ser-veh-sah, cah-feh oh teh.)
- We have sodas, wine, beer, coffee or tea.
- 2. Para mí, un té de manzanilla.
- (Pah-rah mee, ew-n teh deh mahn-zah-nee-yah.)
- A chamomile tea for me.
- 1. ¿ Y para comer?
- (Ee pah-rah coh-mehr?)
- And to eat?
- 2. Me gustaría el arroz con pollo, por favor.
- (Meh goo-stah-ree-ah el ah-rose kohn poh-yo, pohr fah-vor.)
- I would like the rice with chicken, please.
4. Talking About Prices
This Spanish conversation just covers the basics of shopping: asking “how much.”
- 1. Buenos días. ¿Cuánto cuesta el imán?
- (Bwen-ohs dee-ahs. Kwanto kwesta el ee-mahn?)
- Good morning. How much does the magnet cost?
- 2. Dos (2) pesos. Hay una oferta para cinco (5) a nueve (9) pesos.
- (D-oh-s peh-sohs. Aye uhna oh-fer-tah pah-rah seen-koh ah new-eh-veh peh-sohs.)
- Two pesos. There is a special price of five for nine pesos.
- 1. Me gustaría tres (3) imanes. ¿Cuánto sería?
- (Meh goo-stah-ree-ah tr-ehs ee-mahn-ehs. Kwanto sehr-ee-ah?)
- I would like three magnets. How much would it be?
- 2. Seis (6) pesos en total.
- (Say-ee-s pehsohs en toe-tal.)
- Six pesos in total.
5. Asking for the Bill
You already know how to order food. But what about the bill?
- 1. La cuenta, por favor.
- (Lah kwentah, pohr fah-vohr.)
- The bill, please.
- 2. Ahora te la traigo.
- (Ah-orah teh lah try-go.)
- I will bring it right away.
- 1. ¿ Puedo pagar con tarjeta?
- (Pwe-doh pah-gahr cohn tahr-het-ah?)
- Can I pay with a credit card?
- 2. Claro que sí. Sólo te pido la firma.
- (Klah-roh kay see. Soh-loh teh pee-koh lah fear-mah.)
- Of course. I just ask for your signature.
6. Preferences
This is a useful basic Spanish conversation. Talking about preferences is a common thing to do so this will serve you well.
- 1. ¿Qué te gusta comer? ¿Adónde quieres cenar?
- (Kay teh goo-stah cohmer? Ah-doh-ndeh key-eres sehnahr?)
- What do you like to eat? Where do you want to eat dinner?
- 2. A mí me gusta la comida italiana, peruana y tailandesa.
- (A mee, meh goo-stah lah coh-mee-dah ee-tahl-ee-ahna, peh-roo-ahna eeta-ee-land-ehsa.)
- I like Italian, Peruvian and Thai food.
- 1. Me parece buena idea. A mí me apetece comer mariscos.
- (Meh pah-reh-seh bwen-ah ee-deah. Ah mee meh ah-peh-teh-seh cohmermah-ree-sko-s.)
- Sounds like a good idea to me. I am craving seafood.
- 2. Vamos a comer ceviche entonces en un restaurante peruano.
- (Vah-mohs ah cohmer se-vee-che ehn-ton-ses ehn ewn restaurant-eh peh-roo-ahno.
- Then let’s go eat ceviche at a Peruvian restaurant.
7. Introducing Family
Okay, you know how to introduce yourself but what about your family? This Spanish conversation will take care of it.
- 1. Ella es mi madre.
- (Eh-ya es mee mah-dreh.)
- This is my mother.
- 2. ¡Qué lindo conocerte! Se parecen mucho.
- (Kay leen-doh koh-no-ser-teh! Seh pah-reh-sen moo-ch-oh.)
- How very nice to meet you. You look very much alike.
- 1. A veces, me preguntan si es mi hermana.
- (Ah veh-ses, meh preh-goon-tahn see es mee er-mah-nah.)
- Sometimes, people ask me if she is my sister.
- 2. ¿ Tienes otros hermanos y hermanas?
- (Tee-ehnehs oh-troh-s er-mah-nohs ee er-mah-nahs?)
- Do you have other brothers and sisters?
- 1. Sí, un hermano mayor y una hermana menor.
- (See, ewn er-mah-noh my-ore ee ewna er-mah-nah meh-nohr.)
- Yes, an older brother and a younger sister.
9. Agreeing
Agreeing is a great way to…. get people to like you! I mean, who wants to hang around someone that’s shooting down everything you say.
So, it’s good to know how to agree in Spanish. Especially about music. Check this Basic Spanish conversation out.
- 1. ¡Ésta canción es mi favorita! Es lo máximo.
- (Eh-stah kahn-see-ohn es mee fah-voh-reetah! Es loh mah-ximo.)
- This song is my favorite! It’s the best!
- 2. Estoy de acuerdo. La música es muy buena.
- (Eh-stoy deh ak-werdo. La moo-see-kah es moo-ey bwen-ah.)
- I agree! The music is very good.
- 1. Me gusta el video musical y el baile.
- (Meh goo-stah el video moo-see-kal ee el by-ley.)
- I like the music video and the dance.
- 2. ¡Yo también!
- (Yo tam-bee-en.)
- Me too.
10. Declining
And sometimes, you should shoot things down. Like when someone wants something of you. So, here, you’ll learn how to decline in Spanish.
- 1. ¿Te gustaría viajar conmigo a Quito?
- (Teh goo-stah-ree-ah vee-ah-har cohn mee-go ah Kito?)
- Would you like to travel with me to Quito?
- 2. No, pero gracias por la invitación.
- (No, peh-ro grah-see-ahs pohr la in-vee-ta-see-ohn.)
- No, but thanks for the invitation.
- 1. ¿Tal vez vamos de viaje otro fin de semana?
- (Tal vehs vah-mohs deh vee-ah-hay oh-troh feen deh seh-mah-nah?)
- Maybe we could go on a trip some other weekend?
- 2. No puedo. Trabajo los fines de semana.
- (No pwedo. Trah-baho lohs feen-es de seh-mah-nah.)
- I can’t. I work on the weekends.
How Can I Help You?
- 1. ¿Cómo te puedo ayudar?
- (Kom-oh te pwedoh ah-yew-dar?)
- How can I help you?
- 2. Necesito el número del jefe, por favor.
- (Neh-seh-see-tow el noom-ero del heh-feh, pohr fah-vor.)
- I need the manager’s number, please.
- 1. Sin problema.
- (Seen problem-ah.)
- No problem.
Spanish Conversation Practice
Okay, now you know 10 basic Spanish conversations. What’s next? How can you get good with this?
- 1) Read out loud and 2) try and speed up your reading. Why?
The faster you can read, the better you’ll get at reading and speaking in general.
Speaking fast is a sign of expertise. When native speakers notice you speaking comfortably , they’ll understand that you’re good “enough.”
Okay, this brings us to the next point.
3) Review these Spanish conversations as much as possible. Nobody learns on the first try. Not I. Not Einstein. And definitely not you. If you want these words to be in your head, you need to review them for a few minutes per day.
4) Print this page out. That will make the reviewing easier.
– PDF Jeff
P.S. Want some easy and free Spanish lessons?
Check out SpanishPod101. There you get fun audio/video lessons made by real teachers. It’s a nice, easy-to-use learning program for Spanish beginners that are not sure about “how to learn” or “where to start.”
Click here to visit SpanishPod101 & do your first lesson