Want to Count in Spanish 1-100?
This guide will do that for you – teach you Spanish numbers. And it’s split up into a few parts.
- Part 1 – 1-10
- Part 2 – 11-20
- Part 3 – Multiples of 10
- Part 4 – 20 to 100
By the time the end. you’ll be able to count in Spanish 1-100.
Part 1: Spanish Numbers 1 to 10
By the way… you should also listen and hear real Spanish – Press play below. Try this Free Lesson from SpanishPod101.com (click here to visit for more awesome lessons) for how to say hello in Spanish. It’s only 3 minutes long.
- Lesson – 3-Minute Spanish – Greetings
- Source: SpanishPod101.com Learning Program
You’ll need to memorize these. So, as you read them, be sure to also say them out loud.
The numbers from one to ten, as listed below, are used to count in order and when the number stands alone.
- Uno ( 1)
- Pronounced: ew-no
- Dos (2)
- Pronounced: d-oh-s
- Tres (3)
- Pronounced: tr-ehs
- Cuatro (4)
- Pronounced: kwa-tr-oh
- Cinco (5)
- Pronounced: seen-koh
- Seis (6)
- Pronounced: say-ee-s
- Siete (7)
- Pronounced: see-eh-teh
- Ocho (8)
- Pronounced: oh-ch-oh
- Nueve (9)
- Pronounced: new-eh-veh
- Diez (10)
- Pronounced: dee-es
These number may be modified slightly when used with an adjective. Because in Spanish, adjectives must match the nouns that they describe in number and in gender.
Part 2. Spanish Numbers 11-20
11 through 19 don’t follow the pattern established in the rest of the numbers for counting.
This is similar to English, where the “teens” follow different rules that are not repeated in counting any of the other multiples of ten.
- Once (11)
- Pronounced: ohn-seh
- Doce (12)
- Pronounced: doh-seh
- Trece (13)
- Pronounced: tr-eh-seh
- Catorce (14)
- Pronounced: cah-tor-seh
- Quince (15)
- Pronounced: keen-seh
- Dieciséis (16)
- Pronounced: dee-ehs-ee-say-es
- Diecisiete (17)
- Pronounced: dee-ehs-ee-see-eh-teh
- Dieciocho (18)
- Pronounced: dee-ehs-ee-oh-ch-oh
- Diecinueve (19)
- Pronounced: dee-ehs-ee-new-eh-veh
Part 3: Multiples of 10
Now, let’s cover the tens: ten, twenty, thirty, fourty and so on.
- Diez (10)
- Pronounced: dee-ehs
- Veinte (20)
- Pronounced: vay-n-teh
- Treinta (30)
- Pronounced: train-tah
- Cuarenta (40)
- Pronounced: kwa-rent-ah
- Cincuenta (50)
- Pronounced: seen-kw-ehn-tah
- Sesenta (60)
- Pronounced: seh-sent-ah
- Setenta (70)
- Pronounced: seh-tent-ah
- Ochenta (80)
- Pronounced: oh-chen-tah
- Noventa (90)
- Pronounced: noh-vent-ah
Did you see the pattern in the numbers above? The pattern in the multiples of ten is the ending -nta.
When speaking about decades, you can use these words, for example “the nineties” would be “los noventa.” The article “los” is used because “years” is the masculine word “años” and the number maintains the -nta ending regardless of gender.
Part 4: Counting 20 to 100
Now, let’s finish up. How would you say 21? Or 32? Or how about 69?
If you know the number 1-9 and the multiples of ten (20, 30, 40 etc.) then counting the rest is an easy process and formula. In Spanish just say “forty and one” using the word “y” which means “and,” in the 20s this sound is achieved by the letter “i.”
- Formula for counting in-between numbers:
- [ multiple of 10 ] y [ number 1-9 ]
- For example:
- 49 is
- [ multiple of 10 ] y [ number 1-9 ]
- Cuarenta y Nueve
- 69 is…
- [ multiple of 10 ] y [ number 1-9 ]
- Sesenta y Nueve
So, finally, you will be able to count in Spanish 1-100. Take a look below.
- (Veinte ) 20
- Veintiuno (21)
- Pronounced: vay-n-tee-ew-no
- Veintidos (22)
- Pronounced: vay-n-tee-d-oh-s
- Veintitres (23)
- Pronounced: vay-n-tee-tr-ehs
- Veinticuatro (24)
- Pronounced: vay-n-tee-kwa-tr-oh
- Veinticinco (25)
- Pronounced: vay-n-tee-seen-ko
- Veintiseis (26)
- Pronounced: vay-n-tee-say-ee-s
- Veintisiete (27)
- Pronounced: vay-n-tee-see-eh-teh
- Veintiocho (28)
- Pronounced: vay-n-tee-oh-choh
- Veintinueve (29)
- Pronounced: vay-n-tee-new-eh-veh
- (Treinta) 30
- Treinta y uno (31)
- Pronounced: train-tah ee ew-no
- Treinta y dos (32)
- Pronounced: train-tah ee d-oh-s
- Treinta y tres (33)
- Pronounced: train-tah ee tr-ehs
- Treinta y cuatro (34)
- Pronounced: train-tah ee kwa-tr-oh
- Treinta y cinco (35)
- Pronounced: train-tah ee seen-ko
- Treinta y seis (36)
- Pronounced: train-tah ee say-ee-s
- Treinta y siete (37)
- Pronounced: train-tah ee see-eh-teh
- Treinta y ocho (38)
- Pronounced: train-tah ee oh-ch-oh
- Treinta y nueve (39)
- Pronounced: train-tah ee new-eh-veh
- ( Cuarenta ) 40
- Cuarenta y uno (41)
- Pronounced: kwa-rent-ah ee ew-no
- Cuarenta y dos (42)
- Pronounced: kwa-rent-ah ee d-oh-s
- Cuarenta y tres (43)
- Pronounced: kwa-rent-ah ee tr-ehs
- Cuarenta y cuatro (44)
- Pronounced: kwa-rent-ah ee kwa-tr-oh
- Cuarenta y cinco (45)
- Pronounced: kwa-rent-ah ee seen-ko
- Cuarenta y seis (46)
- Pronounced: kwa-rent-ah ee say-ee-s
- Cuarenta y siete (47)
- Pronounced: kwa-rent-ah ee see-eh-teh
- Cuarenta y ocho (48)
- Pronounced: kwa-rent-ah ee oh-ch-oh
- Cuarenta y nueve (49)
- Pronounced: kwa-rent-ah ee new-eh-veh
- ( Cincuenta ) 50
- Cincuenta y uno (51)
- Pronounced: seen-kw-ehn-tah ee ew-no
- Cincuenta y dos (52)
- Pronounced: seen-kw-ehn-tah ee d-oh-s
- Cincuenta y tres (53)
- Pronounced: seen-kw-ehn-tah ee tr-ehs
- Cincuenta y cuatro (54)
- Pronounced: seen-kw-ehn-tah ee kwa-tr-oh
- Cincuenta y cinco (55)
- Pronounced: seen-kw-ehn-tah ee seen-koh
- Cincuenta y seis (56)
- Pronounced: seen-kw-ehn-tah ee say-ee-s
- Cincuenta y siete (57)
- Pronounced: seen-kw-ehn-tah ee see-eh-teh
- Cincuenta y ocho (58)
- Pronounced: seen-kw-ehn-tah ee oh-ch-oh
- Cincuenta y nueve (59)
- Pronounced: seen-kw-ehn-tah ee new-eh-veh
- ( Sesenta ) 60
- Sesenta y uno (61)
- Pronounced: seh-sent-ah ee ew-no
- Sesenta y dos (62)
- Pronounced: seh-sent-ah ee d-oh-s
- Sesenta y tres (63)
- Pronounced: seh-sent-ah ee tr-ehs
- Sesenta y cuatro (64)
- Pronounced: seh-sent-ah ee kwa-tr-oh
- Sesenta y cinco (65)
- Pronounced: seh-sent-ah ee seen-koh
- Sesenta y seis (66)
- Pronounced: seh-sent-ah ee say-ee-s
- Sesenta y siete (67)
- Pronounced: seh-sent-ah ee see-eh-teh
- Sesenta y ocho (68)
- Pronounced: seh-sent-ah ee oh-ch-oh
- Sesenta y nueve (69)
- Pronounced: seh-sent-ah ee new-eh-veh
- ( Setenta ) 70
- Setenta y uno (71)
- Pronounced: seh-tent-ah ee ew-no
- Setenta y dos (72)
- Pronounced: seh-tent-ah ee d-oh-s
- Setenta y tres (73)
- Pronounced: seh-tent-ah ee tr-ehs
- Setenta y cuatro (74)
- Pronounced: seh-tent-ah ee kwa-tr-oh
- Setenta y cinco (75)
- Pronounced: seh-tent-ah ee seen-koh
- Setenta y seis (76)
- Pronounced: seh-tent-ah ee say-ee-s
- Setenta y siete (77)
- Pronounced: seh-tent-ah ee see-eh-teh
- Setenta y ocho (78)
- Pronounced: seh-tent-ah ee oh-ch-oh
- Setenta y nueve (79)
- Pronounced: seh-tent-ah ee new-eh-veh
- ( Ochenta ) 80
- Ochenta y uno (81)
- Pronounced: oh-chen-tah ee ew-no
- Ochenta y dos (82)
- Pronounced: oh-chen-tah ee d-oh-s
- Ochenta y tres (83)
- Pronounced: oh-chen-tah ee tr-ehs
- Ochenta y cuatro (84)
- Pronounced: oh-chen-tah ee kwa-tr-oh
- Ochenta y cinco (85)
- Pronounced: oh-chen-tah ee seen-koh
- Ochenta y seis (86)
- Pronounced: oh-chen-tah ee say-ee-s
- Ochenta y siete (87)
- Pronounced: oh-chen-tah ee see-eh-teh
- Ochenta y ocho (88)
- Pronounced: oh-chen-tah ee oh-ch-oh
- Ochenta y nueve (89)
- Pronounced: oh-chen-tah ee new-eh-veh
- ( Noventa ) 90
- Noventa y uno (91)
- Pronounced: noh-vent-ah ee ew-no
- Noventa y dos (92)
- Pronounced: noh-vent-ah ee d-oh-s
- Noventa y tres (93)
- Pronounced: noh-vent-ah ee tr-ehs
- Noventa y cuatro (94)
- Pronounced: noh-vent-ah ee kwa-tr-oh
- Noventa y cinco (95)
- Pronounced: noh-vent-ah ee seen-koh
- Noventa y seis (96)
- Pronounced: noh-vent-ah ee say-ee-s
- Noventa y siete (97)
- Pronounced: noh-vent-ah ee se-eh-teh
- Noventa y ocho (98)
- Pronounced: noh-vent-ah ee oh-ch-oh
- Noventa y nueve (99)
- Pronounced: noh-vent-ah ee new-eh-ven
- Cien (100)
- Pronounced: see-en
Now, you can count in Spanish 1-100.
What’s next? Well, my suggestion is you print this page out. If these Spanish numbers didn’t stick with you just yet, you’ll want to review them a few more times. So, print this page out.
– PDF Jeff
P.S. Want some easy and free Spanish lessons?
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