10 Best FREE Polish Learning Apps for iOS & Android

Hi there!

Do you want to learn Polish on your iPhone, iPad or Android?

There are tons of Polish Learning Apps out there. All of them want your attention. You can learn with them in your off-time, when you’re not studying with Polish textbooks or Polish learning programs.

But, which one is the best for learning Polish? Here’s a quick list of the top apps.

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You will find apps for both, Android and iOS. Some apps are for iOS and some are for Android only.

10 Best Polish Learning Apps for iOS & Android

1. Innovative 101 Learn Languages

You can learn 34 languages here. With this App, choose Polish and learn Polish with audio and video lessons. Innovative 101 is an app that contains Polish lessons for all learning levels, lesson notes, written translations, and line-by-line translations of the conversations. It’s good for practicing your listening skills and just listening to Polish conversation.

This a companion app for PolishPod101.com, an online Polish learning program that has a ton more lessons and features. If you want a complete Polish program, I suggest you check out the site – PolishPod101 (click here) instead. PolishPod101 provides discounts (and tons of free lessons), if you want to upgrade.

With the App, you are forced to pay full price.

Why is this one of my favorite Polish learning apps? All the apps below are mostly flashcard apps that teach words and phrases. With this one, you get ACTUAL lessons by real teachers and learn REAL conversations. That’s valuable.

The second advantage is that you get brand new lessons every week, for free. Who else will offer that to you?

polish learning apps

2. Learn Polish – Free WordPower

This app is completely free and it has two great features for you. First, you can learn new Polish words with the word of the day. Second, you get the top 100 Polish words that you can study with flashcards. All of the words come with audio, pictures, translations and example sentences. You can also upgrade to the full 2,000-word version of this app.

What’s great about this app? It sends you reminders and chases you down to teach you a new Polish word. That’s what I call dedication.

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3. Learn Polish Words

This is a free Polish app that teaches you 10,000 words and phrases through smart flashcards. Words and phrases are broken down into various categories like Dating, Business, Most Frequently Used Words and Travel Phrases.

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4. Learn Polish verbs – LearnBots

This Polish learning app is dedicated to teaching you verbs. Why verbs? Well, Polish conjugation requires practice and that’s where this app comes in. You can study Polish verbs with flashcards and add your own entries as well.

Any app that covers grammar, as opposed to being a vocabulary app clone, is great.

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5. Learn Polish Vocabulary & Words Baby FlashCards

There are 3 learning modes inside :Flashcard mode, overview mode and Shuffle mode, where you are tested on random words.

Overall, you’re learning through audio-flashcards with pictures. However, you’re forced to go through each word to gain experience or otherwise, you can’t go on. It’s kind of like a game.

The only downside is that it’s loaded with ads.

6. 6000 Words – Learn Polish Language for Free

There’s one giant advantage to this Polish learning app. It’s the fact that it contains 6,000 words.

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7. Speeq Polish | English free

This Android Polish app teaches you 320 words and gets you to master them with flashcards. Sounds boring, right? You’ve heard it all before, right? Well, good news. The redeeming feature here is that you can put the words on Playback. In other words, you put the words on loop and can go do things while listening to them.

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8. Learn Polish Phrasebook Free

Why did this make the list? Well, most of the apps above teach words. Here, you learn Polish phrases and things you actually would need to say in real life. Words are nice but we talk in phrases, right. So, you should learn phrases actually get your point across. You learn over 1,200+ with this Android Polish learning app.

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9. Polish Grammar

With this app, you learn Polish grammar. Now, grammar is hard. So, any resource that’s dedicated to teaching Polish grammar is a worthy tool for your toolbox. You can review noun endings, adjective endings, prepositions, cases and much more. It is a simple app but it does everything as advertised.

This is also one of the more valuable Polish learning apps here.

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10. Memrise

Memrise is a popular app so it makes the list by its name alone.

There are plenty of languages inside but we are here for Polish. Choose Polish and you’ll find plenty of vocab, grammar and phrase courses and quizzes. They have levels from Beginner to Advanced. It also reminds you to keep learning which is always nice.

My only complaint is that while it’s very well designed, it still feels like one of the many vocab app clones.

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These are the top 10 Polish learning apps that I’ve used. From this list, Innovative and Memrise are my top favorites. I also like WordPower for the word of the day.

What about you? What’s your favorite that you’ve ACTUALLY seen progress with?

Be sure to leave me a comment and I will take a look.

Want more of my Polish learning resources?

– PDF Jeff

P.S. If you REALLY want to learn to Polish with easy lessons by real teachers, then check out PolishPod101. It’s a Polish learning program where you can learn to speak, read and write with audio and video lessons. They have over 600 lessons and counting.

Sign up for free at PolishPod101 (CLICK HERE) 

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7 years ago

Of your list, I only like innovative language and Memrise. The rest are typical flash card games