Today you’ll learn how to say goodbye or bye in Ukrainian. There are different ways to say Bye in Ukrainian, so this should will be very useful for any learner. We will focus on the most popular phrases. The first impression is important (saying hello), but it’s also great to know how to finish the conversation politely. So, let’s start!
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10 Ways to Say Bye in Ukrainian
1. Bye in Ukrainian
- Пока
- Pronunciation: [Poka]
This is probably the easiest and most popular word to say bye in Ukrainian. Yes, this word is the same as in Russian; the two languages are similar in ways. Remember, this is not formal so you can’t say [Poka] to your boss but you can definitely use it with friends.
2. Goodbye – formal way
- До побачення
- Do podachenya
This is a good, polite way to say bye in Ukraine. You u can say it to your boss, elders, coach, teacher or strangers.
3. See you later
- До зустрічі
- Do zustrichi
{До зустрічі} is the formal way of See you later in Ukrainian. You can say this phrase to anybody and doesn’t matter whether to a boss or your close friend. It’s polite and good. This phrase is commonly used in formal occasions such as on TV, radio and so on.
There are some synonyms, which you can say instead of this phrase. Keep reading.
4. See you
- Побачимося
- pobachymosya
- зустрінемося
- zustrinemosya
These are casual ways for saying “See you later” in Ukraine. But if you are at work, it’s better to use the first phrase, “До зустрічі,” because “Побачимося” is a a bit of a non-formal way to express your wish of meeting again. You’d use the latter with someone you’d really want to see, like a friend or someone closer.
5. Farewell
- Прощавайте
- Proschavayte
This phrase sounds formal and pretty emotional. It also seems very final. It’s a kind of phrase that is used in movies, when two lovers are not going to see each other again. In the everyday routine, Ukrainians do not use “Прощавайте.” Even if someone is certain that they will never see you again, you will still hear “До побачення” because it is much more polite in Ukraine.
6. Good night in Ukrainian
- Надобраніч
- Nadobranich
You can use it only when someone is going to sleep. [Nadobranich] means “Have a good night”.
7. Good luck/Have a good trip
- Щасливо
- Schastlivo
- Щасливої дороги
- Schastlivoyi dorohy
“Щасливої” means “lucky” because the original word “Щастя” means “Luck”. You can translate it as “Have a lucky trip” which actually means “Have a good trip.” “Щасливо” means “Good luck”.
Also, you can say “Удачі” [Udachi]. Old people say it often, and it’s not a problem if you use it also (even if you are young and full of energy person:), it sounds good and polite.
8. Bye (in phone and mail conversations)
- Бувай
- Buvay
- Всього найкращого
- Vsʲoho najkraschoho
“Бувай” or “Всього найкращого” are best words for ending phone or text conversations. “Всього найкращого” is formal and polite. It also means [Good luck], should you use it in real life. “Бувай” is casual and can also be used as [good luck] in real life.
9. Take care/Bye (Ukrainian slang)
- Давай
- Davay
This is the most popular slang way of saying Goodbye. Young people use it all the time, especially males. Literally, [Davay] means “Come on” but Ukrainian people use it to say “Bye”.
10. Bye (international words)
- Адиос
- Adios
- бай,
- Bye
- аревуар
- Au revoir
- ауфидерзеен
- Auf Wiedersehen
These are international words, which Ukrainians do not use often but know. Most people around the world are familiar with the English “bye,” right? So, if you say [Bye] in Ukraine, you will be understood.
There you go. Now you know the top ways to say bye in Ukrainian. Do you know of other unique ways? Leave a comment below and I’ll add it to this list. I read all the comments!
- Related Lesson: Learn to Say Hello in Ukrainian
– PDF Jeff