Swedish PDF Lessons for Beginners. Free Downloads.

Looking for Swedish PDF lessons to kickstart your language learning journey?

Here’s a treasure trove of beginner-friendly Swedish PDFs. They’ve got grammar, vocabulary, Swedish adjectives, verbs, phrases, and so much more.

And guess what? They’re all free to download and yours to review whenever you want.

With these Swedish PDF lessons, you can….

  • Download & save them to your phone or computer.
    • Click on the image or the blue links.
  • Print them out as worksheets/study sheets.
  • Keep them forever and review as much as possible.

1. Swedish Alphabet PDF Worksheet

Want to master the Swedish alphabet? This printable PDF from SwedishPod101 is a great starting point. Practice writing the letters, learn how they sound, and build a solid foundation for reading and writing in Swedish. You can grab it from their website and get to work on perfecting your Swedish letters.

pdf alphabet worksheet

2. How to Greet in Swedish – Top 30 Phrases

Do you know how to say hej or hejdå in Swedish? This PDF gives you a complete guide to greetings and goodbyes in Swedish, whether you’re meeting someone new or parting ways. Learn these must-know phrases and impress your Swedish friends.

Swedish PDF Lesson

3. 30+ Swedish PDF Lessons from SwedishPod101.com

SwedishPod101 offers 30+ free PDF lessons covering everything from hobbies to travel. With just a free account, you can download cheat sheets to help you navigate everyday Swedish conversations. It’s like a Swiss Army knife for language learning… except, you know, Swedish.

Free PDF lessons

3. 25+ Swedish Love Words & Phrases

Love is universal, but expressing it in Swedish? That’s next-level. This PDF lesson gives you all the romantic phrases you need to say Jag älskar dig (I love you) or Jag gillar dig (I like you). It’s perfect for learning the language of love… or at least attempting it.

PDF Lesson

4. 50+ Swedish Conversational Phrases

Want to start speaking Swedish? This PDF lesson covers all the basics. From greetings like Hur mår du? (How are you?) to common questions and answers, you’ll be speaking conversational Swedish faster than you can say fika.

Swahili PDF Lesson

6. Top 100 Swedish Words PDF 

Building your Swedish vocabulary starts here. This PDF lesson lists 100 must-know Swedish words. All you’ve got to do is set aside a few minutes a day to review them. Print it out or keep it handy on your phone—it’s your call.

Swedish PDF Lesson

7. 60+ Swedish Number Words & Phrases

Can you count in Swedish? With this PDF, you’ll learn how to say ett, två, tre (1, 2, 3) and beyond. Plus, it covers practical uses like asking for phone numbers or giving your age… or skipping the age part entirely.

PDF Lesson

8. Top 50 Swedish Adjectives

From stor (big) to liten (small), this PDF teaches you the most basic Swedish adjectives every beginner needs to know. Download it, print it, and start expanding your vocabulary.

PDF Lesson

9. Top 50 Swedish Nouns

This PDF lesson is perfect for learning the essential Swedish nouns. Whether you’re describing people, places, or things, this guide has got you covered.

PDF Lesson


So, what happens if you skip these PDFs?

You don’t learn Swedish, and that’s just sad.

Download them, print them, and start building your Swedish language skills today… or procrastinate, but we both know where that leads.

Want something else added? Drop a comment below—I read them all, even the ones in Swedish. 😉

I read all the comments.

If you want a Swedish learning program, then I recommend SwedishPod101.

Mostly because of their audio/video lessons that teach you Swedish conversations. Lessons are just a few minutes long; about 3 to 15 minutes. It’s like listening or watching a  conversation unfold between two natives. And you have a teacher explain every word and grammar rule. So, that way you get to hear real Swedish and practice speaking it.

Thanks for reading!

– The PDF Jeff

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