Ready to learn Norwegian? Oh… well…
These Norwegian PDF Lessons are exactly what you need to get started. They’re free, beginner-friendly, and packed with useful material.
Each PDF is designed to help you build confidence in speaking Norwegian. You’ll find lessons on Norwegian grammar, Norwegian phrases, and even Norwegian numbers. Just download, print, and practice daily—it’s that simple!
- Download & save them to your phone or computer.
- Click on the images below.
- Print them out as worksheets/study sheets.
- Keep them forever and review as much as possible.
1. Norwegian Alphabet PDF Worksheet
Learning the Norwegian alphabet is a must for beginners. This worksheet, available at, gives you a chance to practice writing Norwegian letters. Print it out and get started… or stare at it and hope the letters learn themselves!
2. 30+ Norwegian PDF Lessons from
This bundle includes over 30 PDFs on topics like family, hobbies, and travel. You can grab them all at with a free account. It’s perfect for anyone serious about learning Norwegian.
3. How to Greet in Norwegian – Top 30 Phrases
Greetings are key to making a good impression. This PDF covers everything from “Hei” (Hi) to “Ha det” (Goodbye) and when to use them. Download it for free and start speaking right away… or just sit there awkwardly until you’re ready!
4. 25+ Norwegian Love Words & Phrases
Want to add a little romance to your Norwegian?
This lesson covers essentials like “Jeg elsker deg” (I love you) and “Jeg liker deg” (I like you).
5. 50+ Norwegian Conversational Phrases
Holding a conversation in Norwegian doesn’t have to be tough. Or it can, I don’t know.
This PDF includes phrases like “Hvordan går det?” (How are you?) and equips you to speak confidently. It’s an essential for any learner… unless you’re cool with awkward silences!
6. Top 100 Norwegian Words PDF
This list of 100 essential words is a great way to expand your vocabulary. You’ll learn them faster than you can say “Takk” (Thank you).
7. 60+ Norwegian Number Words & Phrases
Counting in Norwegian is straightforward once you get the hang of it. Start with “én” (1), “to” (2), and “tre” (3), and this PDF will guide you through practical uses for numbers, like asking for phone numbers or sharing your age… or don’t share your age.
8. Top 50 Norwegian Adjectives
Adjectives add detail to your conversations. This lesson focuses on two key ones: “stor” (big) and “liten” (small).
9. Top 50 Norwegian Nouns
Nouns are the foundation of every language. This PDF introduces essential Norwegian nouns to help you build better sentences.
These Norwegian PDF Lessons are the perfect way to start learning and speaking Norwegian.
Download them, print them, and make them part of your daily routine.
Got an idea for another PDF? Leave a comment below—I’d love to hear from you. Why? Because I am PDF Jeff.
I read all the comments.
If you want a Norwegian learning program, then I recommend NorwegianClass101.
Mostly because of their audio/video lessons that teach you Norwegian conversations. Lessons are just a few minutes long; about 3 to 15 minutes. It’s like listening or watching a conversation unfold between two natives. And you have a teacher explain every word and grammar rule. So, that way you get to hear real Norwegian and practice speaking it.
Thanks for reading!
– The PDF Jeff
Hello! I am using an audio/writing program that uses repetition but not much explanation. Do you have anything that explains when to use du dere dit din.. ?