LanguagePod101 PDFs: Free Printable PDFs for 34 Languages


If you’re looking for LanguagePod101 PDFs…

Well, the question is… which language do you need?

Innovative Language, sometimes referred to LanguagePod101 (and known for JapanesePod101, KoreanClass101, SpanishPod101, etc.), teaches 34+ languages.

LanguagePod101 PDFs

Which means… there are LanguagePod101 PDFs across 34 languages. So, it depends which language you want to learn, or are looking for?

Whichever it is, click below. I’ve collected the links to all languages here.

When you click on a language, you will be taken to their PDF page — whether JapanesePod101, KoreanClass101, and so on. You must have an account to access. Or, you can make a free account.

Pick Your Language PDF

LanguagePod101 Afrikaans PDFAfrikaans LanguagePod101 Arabic PDFArabic LanguagePod101 Bulgarian PDFBulgarian
LanguagePod101 Cantonese PDFCantonese LanguagePod101 Chinese PDFChinese LanguagePod101 Czech PDFCzech
LanguagePod101 Danish PDFDanish LanguagePod101 Dutch PDFDutch LanguagePod101 English PDFEnglish
LanguagePod101 Filipino PDFFilipino LanguagePod101 Finnish PDFFinnish LanguagePod101 French PDFFrench
LanguagePod101 German PDFGerman LanguagePod101 Greek PDFGreek LanguagePod101 Hebrew PDFHebrew
LanguagePod101 Hindi PDFHindi LanguagePod101 Hungarian PDFHungarian LanguagePod101 Indonesian PDFIndonesian
LanguagePod101 Italian PDFItalian LanguagePod101 Japanese PDFJapanese LanguagePod101 Korean PDFKorean
LanguagePod101 Norwegian PDFNorwegian LanguagePod101 Persian PDFPersian LanguagePod101 Polish PDFPolish
LanguagePod101 Portuguese PDFPortuguese LanguagePod101 Romanian PDFRomanian LanguagePod101 Russian PDFRussian
LanguagePod101 Spanish PDFSpanish LanguagePod101 Swahili PDFSwahili LanguagePod101 Swedish PDFSwedish
LanguagePod101 Thai PDFThai LanguagePod101 Turkish PDFTurkish LanguagePod101 Urdu PDFUrdu
LanguagePod101 Vietnamese PDFVietnamese

How to Use LanguagePod101 PDFs

PDFs are like digital books.

And PDFs can be used in many ways.

They can boost your vocabulary… allowing you to speak, understand, and read more of your target language.

You can also print PDFs and write on them — practice writing — which in turn will also help you master the words and phrases and just know more.

You can save PDFs on your device and review them… whether on your computer or on your phone when you’re outside. So, they can be useful if you want to learn a language on a commute.

Personally, I like printing and writing on them.

How about you?

LanguagePod101 PDF FAQs

Are they really free? Yes, for the time being Innovative Language / LanguagePod101 offers some free PDFs. Will they be available forever? Who knows. I wish they weren’t free given how high quality they are, but get them while they;re here.

Do I have to make an account? Yes, It’s their program and the PDFs are supplemental bonuses. By the way, I highly recommend their language programs (which are not PDFs but podcast-style conversation lessons).

What are PDFs good for? PDFs are like digital books that you can keep on your device. Meaning, you can read through them and review them as much as you need. Also, if you print PDFs, you can write on them… which will further improve your language skills.

Can LanguagePod101 PDFs teach me a language?  Yes and no.

If you’re going to download them and not do anything, you won’t learn anything.

If you do use them, you will pick up a lot of words and phrases… and just know more of the language. But just like with anything, no one resource will ever be the complete solution. As a language learner, each resource you use – big or small – is but one step in the grand scheme of many steps of learning a language. However again, PDFs can only do so much… so use them for their value and move on to other resources. Again, LanguagePod101’s learning program is very good.

Why did you put this page together? Because their language resources are all over the place. If anyone is looking to access some languages, they can use my page. I figured it would be helpful to put all the languages here.

Are you connected to LanguagePod101? Yes, I am. They are a resource I recommend for self-learning and I am part of their affiliate program. However, these particular resources are free and I don’t earn a penny from this.

Is there anything I need to know before I use these? Yes, you need to know how to read at least at a  basic level. Meaning, you need to know the alphabet. If you don’t yet know, go back to my homepage, pick your language (click here and download the Alphabet PDF.

Who is this resource not for?

  • Anyone who does not have time time to read through the PDF tutorials.
  • Anyone who doesn’t like learning words and phrases and wants something else.
  • Resource hoarders.

Especially the last point. If you collect resources but never use them, you’re wasting your time. You might feel good for “getting something,” but you will never pick up a language.

Which is why I hate that these Language PDFs are so freely accessible. People don’t value free. They download but don’t use it… and it just sits on device somewhere.

So, if you want to download the PDFs but can’t take action and use them… you’re wasting your time. Don’t bother, this is not for you.

And you might wonder… “Why does this guy feel so passionate about this?”

Well, I am PDF Jeff of

Go figure!

Are there any other PDF resources you can recommend?

Yes, first there’s my site here with my PDF lessons – And there’s also Both are free.

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